January 13th 2019

From the Cabarrus Arena in Concord, North Carolina. Our hosts are Colt Cabana, Ian Riccaboni, and Caprice Coleman. Before the commentators can run down the card, they’re interrupted by an in-ring promo by John Skyler, Corey Hollis, and Josey Quinn. Skylar is the mouthpiece and runs the fans down for being hillbillies before issuing an open six man challenge.
Cheeseburger, Eli Isom, and Ryan Nova vs. John Skyler, Corey Hollis, and Josey Quinn
The heels cheap shot before the bell, but the good guys reverse Irish whips at ringside to get right back into it. Isom pops the crowd with a dive to the floor. Hollis distracts the referee long enough for his team to cheap shot Nova to isolate him. Cheeseburger gets a hot tag but quickly gets Isom for a straight jacket German suplex on Quinn. Hollis makes a save, but Cheeseburger knocks him down before walking into Skyler’s shotgun spear. Isom saves with a release Northern Lights, and he and Nova lift up Quinn for a top rope double stomp by Cheeseburger and it’s over at 5:40. Subpar spotfest by the job squad, *½.
Winners: Cheeseburger, Eli Isom, and Ryan Nova