ROH Final Battle
December 14, 2018

From the Hammerstein Ballroom in New York City. Our hosts are Ian Riccaboni and Colt Cabana.
Kenny King vs. Eli Isom
I am not familiar with Isom, who is in his second year as a pro. King cuts a cheesy promo and clocks Isom with the microphone before the opening bell. King hits a spinning dive in short order. Isom comes back with the type of flippy moves that drive some people crazy. King stomps the foot and sweeps the leg to set up a cocky pin. King delivers an elaborate modified stunner for 2. Isom comes back with punching and throws an overhead belly to belly suplex. Isom can’t quite lift King in a deadlift powerbomb and awkwardly drops him from a low height. King uses the ropes to his advantage and hits a springboard blockbuster, but lifts Isom out of the cover. Isom nearly steals it with an inside cradle and delivers the Gory Special for 2. King gets serious and plants Isom with the Michinoku Driver for the victory at 9:00. Isom looks like a fine prospect but he didn’t do much to stand out here, **.
Winner: Kenny King