Thursday, April 16, 2009

Matt Cage vs. Zach Gowen

GAW Central States Championship:
Matt Cage © vs. Zach Gowen
January 3rd 2008

Cage is sure to take his sweet time getting to the ring, much to the annoyance of some rowdy individuals in the crowd. Cage has his hands full tonight, as he’ll be squaring off with the one legged wonder who beat the Big Show. Gowen takes even longer to get the ring, as he seems to be under the impression that fans like him (just kidding, they do). Cage makes out with his belt before the match begins, and who can blame him, his challenger used to pal around with Hulk Hogan! They lock up and Cage easily corners Gowen before mocking his challenger’s obvious handicap. Gowen threatens with a golf club, which Cage doesn’t seem to like one bit. They lock up again, this time Gowen corners and slaps Cage across the face. That douche! Cage regroups at ringside. Back to the ring, Cage gets caught in a side headlock takedown. Cage counters into a pinning predicament, but Gowen keeps the hold. Head scissors counter by Cage, and the match restarts to a loud “Gowen” chant. Gowen goes back to work on the head. Cage counters into a head scissors, I think he’s trying to make Gowen jealous. Gowen uses a head stand to escape and drop-kicks the head. Cage retreats to ringside and gets heckled by a fan in the front row. Cage returns and the match restarts, with Cage targeting the midsection. Gowen kicks him off and nails a missile drop-kick! Cover by Gowen gets 2! Cage takes a hike and eats a drop-kick on his way back in. Gowen takes a swig of water and throws the bottle violently at Cage. Back to the ring, Gowen whips himself onto Cage for a near fall, but Cage drops him neck first on the ropes. Enziguri by Cage gets 2! Cage has established control and is targeting the head and neck area with his attacks. Cage dances but misses an elbow drop. Cage tries again, but Gowen is too quick. Gowen retaliates by slapping and gets a small package for 2. Clothesline by Cage hits hard. Cage continues his assault at ringside. A fan is desperately trying to get his “Tiger Woods on welfare” insult over but no one is buying. Gotta love indy fans. Gowen sits Cage in a chair and wipes him out off the apron! Back to the ring, Gowen smashes the head but gets rammed into the corner. Cage charges with a head of steam into Gowen’s boot. Cage repeats his mistake and stumbles to the mat. Gowen attempts a moonsault, but Cage pushes the referee into the ropes to knock him off. Cover by Cage gets 2. Cage fetches a cane and fights with the referee over it, ultimately knocking the official down. Low blow by Gowen and a small package, but the ref is out! Gowen checks on the ref but Cage spears him out of his boot! Cover by Cage gets 2.9! FALSE FINISH! Cage is upset and decks the referee. Cage grabs the golf course and prepares to finish what Brock Lesnar started all those years ago. Unfortunately, one of Cage’s rivals runs in and powerbombs him. Gowen hits the moonsault and the intruder makes the ref count to three. Gowen appears to have won the belt at 15:55! I am extremely impressed by how much Cage has improved since the last time I reviewed one of his matches, he’s a much more well rounded performer and worked well with Gowen (who is also much more well rounded than I remembered him). Sadly for Gowen, an official reverses the decision due to outside interference, so Cage retains! ***
Winner by DQ and still GAW Central States Champion: Matt Cage

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